It's almost time for the Blood Roundup!


It’s coming, it’s coming ... The Okeechobee Blood Roundup is coming.  MARK YOUR CALENDAR! This 19th Annual blood drive will be held Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 23 and 24, at the Freshman Campus Auditorium from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Due to three months of Okeechobee generosity, the Roundup now has SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of prizes which will be awarded to blood donors throughout this event.   While you have probably seen and heard a lot about it already  in the Okeechobee News and on WOKC, be sure to place the date and time --  Nov. 23, 24 from 9a.m. – 5 p.m., on your calendar so you don’t forget, and also tell your friends and family.   Make your donation time a family affair.

Don’t hesitate to come to the Roundup and donate, because somewhere in Florida there is someone waiting for your blood donation to save his/her/a child’s life, or the life of one of YOUR loved ones.  

For lives to be saved, the donated blood MUST BE ON THE SHELF when it is needed.  Waiting for it to be shipped from another storage location, might be too late.   The Florida Blood Bank – One Blood – HAS a center in Orlando, and at additional locations across the state.   One Blood has put their due diligence to work so no one in need of a transfusion will have a worry about blood arriving ON TIME.  

