Three Moore Haven students test positive for COVID-19
Moore Haven Middle/High School sends 92 students, 22 teachers home due to COVID-19 exposures
Football games postponed
Glades County School District
Moore Haven Middle High School
Moore Haven Middle High Shcool RSS 700 Terrier Pride Drive Moore Haven, Flori 33471
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Special to the Glades County News
GLADES COUNTY -- Three students at Moore Haven Middle/Senior High School have tested positive for Covid-19.
School officials sent 93 students and 22 faculty members home. The school is being deep cleaned, disinfected, and sanitized this weekend.
In a message sent Saturday to the families of Glades County School District students, Superintendent of Schools Kim Jordan wrote:
"Based on the epidemiological investigation completed by the Florida Department of Health, it was determined that three Moore Haven Middle High School (MHMHS) students have tested positive for Covid-19. In an abundance of caution, we sent home 93 students and 22 faculty members. The faculty number includes coaches. The MHMHS is being deep cleaned, disinfected, and sanitized this weekend.
"Football and volleyball games have been postponed until further notice.
"We are considering safe and appropriate educational options. We will update in the coming days."