Clearing the air about menthol cigarettes

Posted 6/12/24

Menthol can be great when added to things like candies or chewing gum, but when smoked can prove deadly.

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Clearing the air about menthol cigarettes


For generations, the tobacco industry has peddled addiction to our communities, conveniently masking harmful tobacco products with additives like artificial menthol. Menthol can be great when added to things like candies or chewing gum, but when smoked in tobacco products the combination can prove deadly.

Studies show flavorings like menthol make it easier to start smoking and harder to quit and make the products more appealing to children and young smokers. Menthol in cigarettes also allows the lungs to expand further, allowing more of the toxic and cancer-causing chemicals to be absorbed into the body, leading to addiction, disease, and death.

Did you know more than one-third of all cigarettes sold today in this country are menthol? While adding menthol flavoring to cigarettes goes back 100 years, it has never before made up such a large percentage of the total number of cigarettes sold in our state and across the country. A recent study found menthol cigarettes were responsible for over 10 million new smokers across the country from 1980 to 2018. This equates to an average of 3 million life-years lost, and 378,000 premature deaths.

Menthol is directly responsible for slowing the national decline in the smoking rate. Studies show the smoking rate could be reduced by 15% if menthol cigarettes were no longer available, and an estimated 650,000 lives could be saved. In Florida, removing menthol from cigarettes would be effective in improving the health of all populations, especially those that use these products at higher rates than the general public.

With tobacco use being the leading preventable cause of death in Florida, action is already underway locally to make a difference. Glades County Tobacco Free Partnership is actively engaged in community efforts regarding menthol. The Partnership is focusing on education, outreach, and advocacy to raise awareness about the risks associated with menthol products and to promote policies aimed at reducing their use, particularly among vulnerable populations.

Let’s face it – when it comes to menthol, it’s not cool. And now is not a time to sit back and accept it. Support your community by educating yourself about menthol and finding local partnerships to reinforce the efforts to clear the air for generations to come. It’s time to unite our voices. We can work together to craft a future without dangerous menthol additives in cigarettes, preventing people from tobacco addiction and supporting people across our state who are ready to quit.

If you’re ready to make a difference, find out what the Glades County Tobacco Free Partnership is doing about menthol and how you can help by contacting Maricela Rubio, Co-Chair, at

smoking, cigarettes, menthol, tobacco, Glades County Tobacco Free Partnership

