Evan Neal to host 2nd Annual Youth Football Camp on June 8

Posted 6/5/24

New York Giants right tackle Evan Neal is returning to his hometown of Okeechobee to host a free Youth Football Camp...

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Evan Neal to host 2nd Annual Youth Football Camp on June 8


OKEECHOBEE — New York Giants right tackle Evan Neal is returning to his hometown of Okeechobee to host a free Youth Football Camp on Saturday, June 8 from 9 a.m. to noon, at Okeechobee High School, 2800 US-441. Three hundred first to 12th grade participants will learn a series of fundamental football drills and skills led by NFL Players and coaches and participate in a mock 7 vs 7 game.

Neal will also host a Girls Flag Football Tournament adjacent to the camp. Each attendee will receive a free lunch and merchandise.

new york giants, evan neal, football camp

