Gov. DeSantis’ approves 2024-2025 General Appropriations Act

Posted 6/14/24

This legislation provides resources and support to Florida’s correctional professionals and...

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Gov. DeSantis’ approves 2024-2025 General Appropriations Act


TALLAHASSEE — On June 12, Governor Ron DeSantis approved the 2024-2025 General Appropriations Act. This legislation provides resources and support to Florida’s correctional professionals and further enhances the Florida Department of Corrections’ (FDC) critical public safety mission.

“I want to thank our Governor and the Legislature for appropriating funding that will fundamentally improve safety in Florida,” said Florida Department of Corrections Secretary Ricky Dixon. “This budget provides for historic capital improvements to our Department’s infrastructure, equips our brave probation officers with firearms to protect themselves and others when interacting with dangerous offenders, and rewards our hard-working staff with pay raises that will allow us to recruit and retain professionals who keep our state and our communities safe.”

Key highlights from the 2024-2025 Budget include:

• $100 million to maintain security of Florida’s Correctional Institutions and Public Safety. This recurring fund will be used to carry out critical infrastructure projects within the Department.

• $2.1 million for a Statewide firearms transition, The funding for this transition provides all certified, firearms-carrying correctional probation officers with a state issued weapon, holster, and other required accessories.

• Statewide pay adjustment for state employees and staff. Uniformed staff and the majority of support personnel across the state will receive an increase in pay by the greater of 3.0% or $1,000.

• $17 million to continue offender based information system modernization. This appropriation provides funding to continue year three of a five-year project to modernize the Department’s data systems. In addition to this funding, millions more have been appropriated to support associated information technology projects.

• $11.1 million and 60 new positions for education and program expansions. Having additional classroom resources and teaching positions in correctional institutions enables FDC to reduce inmate idleness and incentivize cooperative behavior, creating safer correctional institutions. This funding also provides inmates more access to educational engagement which leads to better opportunities for post-release employment.

• $2 Million for critical security equipment. Critical security equipment such as emergency management equipment, drone detection systems, electronic key systems, drone support for K9 operations, body scanners, and camera equipment for surveillance are essential resources within Florida’s correctional institutions.

• $2 Million to replace fleet vehicles and maintain safe transportation. This funding will continue to support FDC’s fleet improvement plan.

• $2 Million for victim notification enhancements. This additional funding will expand victim notification capabilities from the point of initial contact a victim has with law enforcement, until the end of their involvement with the criminal justice system.

• $1.5 Million for a certified officer and public safety initiative. This appropriation will provide uniforms for Community Corrections staff, including correctional probation officers who work in every one of Florida’s 67 counties.

“Governor DeSantis and our state’s legislature have promised to keep public safety a priority. They have delivered on that promise with this year’s budget. On behalf of the Department, we are grateful for their support and pledge to continue our mission to protect the citizens of Florida,” said Florida Department of Corrections Secretary Ricky Dixon.

department of corrections, critical public safety, budget

