OHS on the hunt for the next Bubba J 

Posted 6/28/24

Okeechobee High School is looking for the next person to play their mascot, Bubba J.  

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OHS on the hunt for the next Bubba J 


 OKEECHOBEE- Okeechobee High School is looking for the next person to play their mascot, Bubba J. 

During the May 25 OHS Class of 2024 graduation, it was revealed that 2024 senior Zach Marker had been behind Bubba’s mask the past two years. The identity of who plays the mascot is kept secret, but when Marker walked across the stage at graduation, superintendent Tedders pulled out Bubba’s head and Marker put it on while receiving his diploma. 

Now though, the school is holding tryouts for the next Bubba J. Marker brought an extra level of energy and excitement to the sidelines during Brahman football games, so the next mascot will have big shoes to fill. The high school has posted a Google Form for students to fill out, with tryout requirements being sent out via email after the student fills out the form. The student will need to be signed into the school email when filling out the Google Form. 

But remember, the identity of Bubba J is a secret. So, try not to publicly disclose that you intend to try out. 

All tryout applications must be received by 5 p.n. on July 8. 

Okeechobee High School, Bubba J, Brahman mascot

