Local students named to Tennessee Tech Spring 2024 Dean’s List

Posted 6/7/24

Tennessee Tech University is proud to announce that nearly 4,100 students have been named to...

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Local students named to Tennessee Tech Spring 2024 Dean’s List


COOKEVILLE, TN — Tennessee Tech University is proud to announce that nearly 4,100 students have been named to the Spring 2024 Dean’s List.

To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must attend the university full-time and achieve a grade-point average of at least 3.1 on a 4.0 scale.

The following local students earned this prestigious honor:

• Bay’Andria Hodges of Belle Glade

• James Edwards of Clewiston

“Tennessee Tech students continue to excel in the classroom and beyond. Their dedication to their studies and determination to succeed helps make Tech a place that we can all be glad to call home,” said Tech President Phil Oldham. “Congratulations to all our students whose hard work earned them a place on the Dean’s List. They have made their university, their families and their hometown communities very proud.”

Tennessee Tech is ranked as a “Best National University” by U.S. News & World Report. The university offers more than 200 programs of study and Tech grads leave with the least debt of all public universities in the state. In fact, based on total cost and alumni earnings, Tech provides students with the highest return on investment for any public university in Tennessee, according to PayScale. Find out more at tntech.edu.

dean's list, hodges, edwards, tennessee tech university, ttu

