Lewis Perkins

Saturday, August 4, Lipman Family Farms, the largest tomato grower in North America, hosted their 7th Annual Backpack Give Away. The event took place at Gary Bates Stadium at Immokalee High School. Hundreds of people lined up, before the vendors arrived, in order to participate in the activities. Dozens of vendors, dedicated to enhancing the Immokalee community, offered information on continuing education, job enhancement, health education, free diabetes and blood pressure screenings, various community services, and programs, such as 4H and Boys and Girls Club, for children. Also, the Harry Chapin Food Bank gave free food to the over 2,000 participants.

Besides venders offering free information and services, the event encouraged students to be physically active by offering several games, such as roller board races, and giant cup stacking to name a few. Also, besides giving away backpacks and school supplies, they gave away gift certificates, free haircuts to elementary and middle school children, and had drawings to give away 200 bicycles and helmets. Although this event is only in its seventh year, it has grown to become a much anticipated event in the community. Thanks to all of those who participated in the 5k walk/run, held last April, which raised the money to make this possible.