Candidates for sheriff answer tough questions

Posted 7/31/24

Tuesday night’s 2024 election forum was not without its drama as arriving community members were greeted with a sign telling them to vote no for Noel.

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Candidates for sheriff answer tough questions


OKEECHOBEE — Tuesday night’s 2024 election forum was not without its drama as arriving community members were greeted with a sign telling them to "vote no for Noel." Holding this sign which also contained profanity, was Barry “Dusty” Rhodes, who has publicly aired his dislike more than one time for Sheriff Noel Stephen.

Once the debate began, candidates Jon Folbrecht, Noel Stephen and Steve Weikert shook hands, with the notable exception of Stephen and Folbrecht. When Folbrecht, who has been accused by many of running a smear campaign against the sheriff, approached the sheriff to shake his hand, Stephen turned his back.

For the last several weeks as the race became more and more heated, Stephen and Weikert each determined to run on their own merits rather than throwing mud on the other candidates. Folbrecht, however, said “I understand it comes across as negative, but the things I am bringing to light are things the public has a right to know. How will they know if no one has the courage to talk about it?”

Each candidate was given two minutes for an opening statement and one minute to answer each question. Each candidate was asked the same question, and the order in which they answered the questions was rotated. When the questions were all answered, the men were given an opportunity to give a closing statement.

In his opening statement, Folbrecht told the audience he was distracted because his wife is in the hospital, and the family got bad news earlier in the day. He said he got in the race because not everyone is happy with how the sheriff’s office is run, and he wants to speak for the voices who are not being heard.

Stephen said he has spent 38 years learning every facet of the sheriff’s office. He said he is the most qualified and prepared to move the agency forward in an uncertain environment.

Weikert said he likens the Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office and Okeechobee County to a 10,000-piece puzzle. He would like a chance to look at that puzzle and see what pieces he can fill in.

What are your plans to change things for our youth in Okeechobee County?

Folbrecht said he would like to bring in the Police Activities League, formerly the Police Athletic League. They would offer activities that are beyond the scope of the current cadet program offered by OCSO. This program would include younger children and those with special needs.

Stephen explained they are currently maintaining programs for youth in the high school. The sheriff’s office struggles with retention and recruitment, and each year he looks for four individuals to put through school so they can be trained in a profession they can be proud of.

Weikert talked about bringing back a form of driver’s education which he said is not offered at the high school. He explained one of the county’s problems is traffic, and if the youth are taught how to drive safely from the beginning, they will drive better as adults. (Editor's note: According to Okeechobee High School, OHS does still offer Driver's Education, but there is no "behind the wheel" training.)

What differentiates you from the other candidates?

Folbrecht: “I’m not the sheriff. That’s a simple fact.” He went on to say he has a different vision for what he wants to see for the sheriff’s office and the community.

Stephen: “I’m the one with the experience.” He added he has worked for three different sheriffs and has learned from each one. He said he has created an environment where people love going to work.

Weikert: said because he was not born and raised in Okeechobee County, it would be easier for him to enforce the laws on everyone. “I was not born and raised here, so I don’t have to worry about hurting somebody I went to school with.”

What would you say is the biggest weakness in our current law enforcement system, and how do you plan to strengthen it?

Folbrecht said it is probably the drug problem. He added that it is great to see the occasional drug house shut down, but it needs to be taken to the street. “We need to be doing more enforcement on the roadways…” He said he would institute more programs to help those who are addicted.

Stephen said it is the recruitment and retention of officers. “We’re a training ground for neighboring counties.” He went on to say they leave Okeechobee for places where they can make $20,000 more each year. He said working with the Okeechobee County Board of County Commissioners, they are trying to make the sheriff’s office a place where people want to go to work each day.

Weikert said traffic is a big issue in Okeechobee. He would add a traffic program which utilizes more motorcycles and more officers out focusing on traffic in the areas most known for speeding.

What do you see as the biggest challenge for law enforcement going forward over the next 10 years?

Folbrecht said it is  increase in technology use. He said we already face cybercrimes, and it will only get worse. “We need to be working on those things.” He also mentioned the upcoming increase in Okeechobee’s population and said OCSO needs to be prepared for that.

Stephen said the criminal justice system is struggling. He sees third generations coming into the jail. He applauded the drug court, veteran court and mental health court. He said these programs give the offenders the tools to go on with their lives. The sheriff does not have control over these things but has an inside look at what is going on.

Weikert believes with the growth coming into our community, the OCSO will have to grow too. “The key is to try and do that without taxing the taxpayers.”

How can we stop the drugs in Okeechobee?

Folbrecht said OCSO needs to stop the drugs as they enter the community. He mentioned using technology and continuing to work with federal and local agencies to stop the drugs coming in.

Stephen said the consequences need to fit the crime. He said they arrest serious drug dealers every day, and six months later and 30 pounds heavier, they are released. “We’ve got to work with the courts too. We’re arresting them. Let’s keep them in jail.

Weikert said OCSO needs to get more drug cops that no one knows. “Everyone knows the cops in Okeechobee County." He suggested working with other counties to utilize officers that are not known in the community. 

In his closing statement, Folbrecht quoted Psalm 109:8 May his days be few. May another take his office.

To watch the video of the forum, visit the Lake Okeechobee News Facebook page.

OCSO, election

