'Flower Boy' disappointed in all the food truck talk

Posted 5/24/24

Once again, the topic of food trucks was visited during the city council meeting held on May 21.

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'Flower Boy' disappointed in all the food truck talk


OKEECHOBEE — Once again, the topic of food trucks was visited during the city council meeting held on May 21.

Jose Cruz, owner of Manny’s Sunflowers and Gift Shop requested an chance to speak and was granted the opportunity.

“I kind of want to say I am disappointed,” he began. “The city council is supposed to be for the citizens, but I’m the owner of the 300-block food truck flower shop — “Flower Boy I guess — There’s been…They’re going to open the ordinance up again for the food trucks, based on tanks, propane gas tanks or something outside the trucks?”

Mayor Dowling Watford said that yes, during Council Member Comments of the last meeting, a request was made to look at the ordinance again, and that will take place during the next meeting on June 4. He said they will discuss it in depth at that time, and he was told one of the things was about the tanks not being allowed to be kept outside the food trucks.

“Like many of the ordinances we have passed, sometimes, we have to make adjustments to them after they go into effect because things didn’t work like we thought they should or something,” he explained.

He said the council could not discuss it during this meeting because it was not on the agenda but told Cruz he was welcome to make comments.

Cruz added that he hoped the change would be to better things and not for favoritism for people or other businesses.

Vice-mayor Monica Clark said she was trying to explain that the definition of a mobile food truck is that it must be self-contained. “For instance, if you have a propane tank, it has to be attached to the truck. It can’t have a gas line run to a tank out in the yard.” She went on to say she never said you can’t have gas tanks at your food trucks. They just have to be self-contained.

Cruz also asked where the complaints were that the council said were made against him. The mayor said most of the complaints were made informally and were not written down. Cruz asked that the complaints be written down in the future so that if they were harassment by certain people, they could identify that.

Clark said Cruz’s trucks were not the only trucks in the city. She is concerned about safety, and it has nothing to do with his food trucks.

The food truck issue will be on the agenda next month on June 4 at 6 p.m. The meeting is open to the public.

Manny's, food truck

