Have some baloney with that garbage

Posted 6/10/24

Respond to LakeONews opinion piece “Are citizens rejecting both major parties”

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Have some baloney with that garbage


Respond to LakeONews commentary Are citizens rejecting both major parties?.

The Republican Party is growing stronger by the day. In Okeechobee County as of June 9, 2024, Republicans have 57% of voter registration, only 23% for Democrats, and only 17% for Independent (NPA), Minor parties with 3%.

State of Florida Republicans hold 39%, with Democrats only 32%, Independent (NPA) only 26% The good news Republicans will have over one million more voters than democrats by the Nov 2024 election. Historic Record.

Independents are growing much faster than Democrats; we believe the majority will be leaning Republican in the next election.

Media will continue to sling garbage, trying to fool Americans from Right vs Wrong, Good vs Evil, Male vs Female. It’s time for Americans to wake up. with your help we can make America great again.

Jim Craig, proud christian, American, and Republican from our great Okeechobee County.

jim craig, republicans, voter registration,

