LaSala's Big 'O' Dojo brings home the 'gold'

Posted 5/24/24

LaSala's Big 'O' Dojo brought home the gold last week from the Pan American Internationals  Mixed Martial Arts Competition in Miami.

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LaSala's Big 'O' Dojo brings home the 'gold'


OKEECHOBEE — LaSala's Big 'O' Dojo brought home the gold last week from the Pan American Internationals  Mixed Martial Arts Competition in Miami.

"With God first, our team of 22 competitors went to The Pan-American International tournament in Miami, May 18 and took it by storm. For most of the team, this was their first tournament," said Master Chris LaSala.

Included in the competing team was the entire LaSala family, who placed in the top of their divisions from fighting to power breaking. In total, the team took 24 first places and several second places, including Master Chris "Gator" LaSala, winning a championship belt, and taking an international title!


