Okeechobee County school supply lists

Posted 7/10/19

Pre-k and elementary schools supply list

The 2019-2020 school supply list for prekindergarten and elementary students at Central, Everglades, North, Seminole, South and the Okeechobee Achievement …

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Okeechobee County school supply lists


Pre-k and elementary schools supply list

The 2019-2020 school supply list for prekindergarten and elementary students at Central, Everglades, North, Seminole, South and the Okeechobee Achievement Academy:

Pre-kindergarten — glue sticks (any), 3-prong 2-pocket vinyl folders, complete change of clothing, box tissues, crayons (any), highlighters and a lanyard. Optional items are a rest mat, backpack without wheels and a blanket or towel for rest time.

Kindergarten — glue sticks, children’s scissors, plastic supply box, box tissues, crayons (16-24), #2 pencils, erasers and dry erase markers. Optional items are zip lock bags, 3-ring binder, composition book, backpack without wheels and ear buds or headphones.

First grade — glue sticks, white glue, children’s scissors, zippered pencil pouch, box tissues, crayons (16-24), #2 pencils, erasers, first grade tablet, highlighters and dry erase markers. Optional items are zip locks bags, 3-ring binder, composition book, backpack without wheels and ear buds or headphones.

Second grade — glue sticks, pocket folders with brads, children’s scissors, zippered pencil pouch, box tissues, crayons (16-24), #2 pencils, erasers, wide ruled notebook paper, highlighters, colored pencils, dry erase markers. Optional items are zip lock bags, 3-ring binder, composition book, backpack without wheels and earbuds or headphones.

Third grade — glue sticks, pocket folders with brads, scissors, zippered pencil pouch, box tissues, crayons (16-24), #2 pencils, erasers, wide ruled notebook paper, highlighters and colored pencils. Optional items are zip lock bags, 3-ring binder, composition book, backpack without wheels and earbuds or headphones.

Fourth grade — glue sticks or glue, pocket folders with brads, scissors, zippered pencil pouch, box tissues, crayons (16-24) #2 pencils, erasers, wide ruled notebook paper, highlighters, ruler with inches and centimeters, colored pencils and protractor. Optional items are dry erase markers, 3-ring binder, composition book, backpack without wheels and ear buds or earphones.

Fifth grade - glue sticks or glue, pocket folders with brads, scissors, zippered pencil pouch, box tissues, crayons (16-24), #2 pencils, erasers, wide ruled notebook paper, highlighters, ruler with inches and centimeters and colored pencils. Optionals items are dry erase markers, 3-ring binder, composition book, backpack without wheels and earbuds or headphones.
Your child’s school may request some supplies not listed above.

Middle school supply list

Sixth Grade — headphones or ear buds, #2 pencils, erasers, loose leaf notebook paper, black/blue pens, four single subject spiral notebooks, one 3-subject spiral notebook, sticky notes (pack of 100), glue sticks, highlighters (three colors), 3x5 lined index cards (pack of 100), dry erase markers, page protectors and medium binder clips. Optional items are box of tissues and colored pencils.
• Band students: one inch binder

Seventh Grade — headphones or ear buds, #2 pencils, erasers, loose leaf notebook paper, black/blue pens, four single subject spiral notebooks, one 3-subject spiral notebook, sticky notes (pack of 100), glue sticks, highlighters (three colors), 3x5 lined index cards (pack of 100), dry erase markers, page protectors and a medium binder clips. Optional items are a box of tissues and colored pencils.
• Band students: one inch binder
• Algebra 1 and Geometry students: one three-subject spiral notebook

Eighth Grade — headphones or ear buds, #2 pencils, erasers, loose leaf notebook paper, black/blue pens, four single subject spiral notebooks, one 3-subject spiral notebook, sticky notes (pack of 100), glue sticks, highlighters (three colors), 3x5 lined index cards (pack of 100), dry erase markers, page protectors and medium binder clips. Optional items are a box of tissues and colored pencils.
• Band students: one inch binder

• Algebra 1 and Geometry students: one 3-subject spiral notebook

Okeechobee High School supply list

Okeechobee High School students will need the following items:
• One spiral notebook per class, per semester for a total of 14
• #2 pencils
• pens
• highlighters
• glue sticks for interactive notebooks
• colored pencils for interactive notebooks
• index cards
• Post-It notes
• loose leaf notebook paper
• clear tape
• calculator options: TI-84 calculator for AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, Pre-Calculus, Algebra 2, and Dual Enrollment Math. TI-30Xa calculator for Chemistry, Algebra 1, and Geometry.
• Science classes may require: three-ring binder, composition notebook
• Chemistry/AP Chemistry may require: graph paper
• Construction may require: tape measurer (minimum 10 ft., maximum 35 ft.)
Okeechobee Freshman Campus
• black/blue pens

• #2 pencils
• erasers
• colored pencils
• tape
• Honors English will require a five-subject notebook and glue sticks
• Honors Algebra 2 and Honors Geometry will require: TI-30Xa calculator, five-subject notebook, glue sticks, and index cards
• Honors Biology will require: 1G thumb drive, five-subject notebook, glue sticks, pencil pouch, and scissors
Okeechobee Achievement Academy
• blue/black pens
• mechanical pencils (one box)
• notebook paper (wide or college ruled)
• highlighters
• one box of tissues
• usb thumb drive
• Algebra: TI-30XS calculator, five five-tab divider sets, five one and a half inch binders
• Geometry: scientific calculator, five five-tab divider sets, five one and a half inch binders
• optional: colored pencils, copy paper

