Reflections from the Pulpit: Who are you spending time with?

Posted 4/5/24

I remember as a young boy growing up in south Florida that my parents always warned...

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Reflections from the Pulpit: Who are you spending time with?


I remember as a young boy growing up in south Florida that my parents always warned me to be careful of who I hang around. I can remember my Mom saying that some of my friends would get me into trouble, she would say, watch out for that one they look like trouble.

When I became born again and started living for the Lord and started studying the word of God, I changed my way of living (Born Again) and unfortunately some of my friends and loved ones weren’t hanging around or calling anymore. That saddened me but I understand I’m not the same person they knew growing up.

I remember a very important lesson I learned from Luke 10:38 about two sisters Mary and Martha; and Jesus came into their home and Martha was very busy doing things around the house and Mary was just spending time with Jesus and Martha asked Jesus to tell Mary to get up and help her and Jesus told Martha you are troubled for many things (worldly things) and Mary has chosen the right thing (spending time with Jesus). I learned that he wants a relationship with us, yes you read correctly he wants a relationship with YOU.

I was reading a book years ago and the author gave a visual explanation that I will always remember. The alarm clock goes off and we hit the snooze button a couple times, then I get up in a hurry and Jesus is sitting at the table ready to sup with me (Revelations 3:20) and I walk by and start the coffee and say I’ll be right back Jesus I need to shower, afterwards I go get a cup of coffee and tell Jesus I’ll be right with you after I finish getting ready for work then one of my kids needs something, I have to let the dog out, one thing after another delays me while Jesus is still waiting to spend time with me then I look at the clock and tell him I’m sorry Jesus I’m running late I will have to get with you later. Does this sound familiar? Now after work I rush home to help with the kids or a million other things that get in the way of me spending time with the one who gave all for me (Jesus) now I’m tired and I have to go to bed to start it all over again tomorrow.

One of my favorite verses is (Hebrews 11:6) But without faith its impossible to please him, he who comes to God must believe that he is (GOD), and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. He is saying believe that he is God all Mighty, and he will reward you for diligently seeking and spending time with him. That’s a reward worth seeking after, an eternal reward. I would like to encourage you to find time to spend with the one who is always there ready and waiting to reward and help you throughout your day. I would like to end with this, we always spend a lot of time with our adversary (the devil) thinking and doing worldly things, Please don’t give the devil a ride because he is going to want to drive and he always causes trouble and he always gets us into accidents.

Remember what my momma said, watch out for that one, they look like TROUBLE.

God bless you and your families.

reflections, warren kelly, Jesus, born again

