The Weekly Clothesline: Seven Wonders…Seven Senses!

Our “Propping up” from Sunday to Sunday

Posted 6/3/24

The Seven Wonders of the World are considered so important and amazing that they are called “wonders.”

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The Weekly Clothesline: Seven Wonders…Seven Senses!

Our “Propping up” from Sunday to Sunday


The Seven Wonders of the World are considered so important and amazing that they are called “wonders.” Today, I offer you the real Seven Wonders of the World: to see, to hear, to touch, to taste, to feel, to laugh, and to love. These were spoken by a little girl but could have come from Jesus Himself.

We would be lost without those precious senses, those extraordinary wonders given to us by God Himself. Jesus healed the blind man because he knew how important sight was. And imagine how different, how lonely we would be if we couldn’t hear! Five years ago, we experienced COVID, and we were unable to touch one another. It wasn’t until that precious “sense” was taken away that we realized how special a hug was. And if we were unlucky enough to get the virus, we lost our sense of taste. Eating was without joy; we just went through the motions. Being able to feel, whether it is pleasure or pain, is another special gift that makes us whole. And where would we be without the gift of laughter…a simple way to release life’s tensions? Finally, where would we be without the ability to love and share God’s love with each other?

Our physical world may have its Seven Wonders, but how blessed we are to have God’s Seven Wonders.

They showcase our God in ways that cannot come from human hands. Treasure his supernatural wonders. Never take them for granted. We are indeed blessed.

seven, wonders, senses, God, taste, hear, touch, feel, laugh, love, sight

