What about senior citizens?

Letter to the Editor

Posted 6/10/24

Just wanted to call your attention to the fact that elder citizens are suffering too.

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What about senior citizens?

Letter to the Editor


I read the article “Floridians struggle to afford groceries as food prices rise” with much interest. It mentioned young families and children, but, nothing about senior citizens who are trying to decide to purchase food or medicine. Many are going without medicine just to be able to eat.

Do not misunderstand me. I do not want any child or anyone else to go without food or having their needs met.

However, salaries are increasing greatly and the young people are getting raises. Just look at the job market. There are jobs available and the rate of pay is high.

But, senior citizens are on a fixed income with little chance of having any increase in their income. When there is a living allowance increase in Social Security, our medicare is also increased usually amounting to the allowance increase.

Just wanted to call your attention to the fact that elder citizens are suffering too.

senior citizens, food insecurity, Social Security, SSI, Medicaid, salary, minimum wage, Letter to the Editor

