Okeechobee teen starts business at 13

Posted 5/14/24

An Okeechobee teen is getting a head start in the business world by starting a business while still in high school.

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Okeechobee teen starts business at 13


OKEECHOBEE — An Okeechobee teen is getting a head start in the business world by starting a business while still in high school.

Kali Morse is a 16-year-old sophomore at Okeechobee High School this year. Her family has been a part of Okeechobee forever, she said. She has two sisters, one who is two years younger and the second, who is still a baby. The family attends First Baptist Church.

She explains she began thinking about starting a business back in 2021 when she was only 13. In the beginning, she, her sister and her best friend made jewelry and other various items and started selling them on Instagram and in a boutique. “I just really love to craft,” she said.

More recently, Kali began making t-shirts. Some of the designs are made by Kali, and she does custom orders on demand.

A few years ago, Kali’s dad got her a Cricut machine for Christmas, and her grandmother taught her how to use it to make t-shirts. “I really loved it, and I just started getting into it,” she said.

T-shirts are not Kali’s only merchandise. She also puts designs on cups, key chains and all sorts of things. “I can probably put a design on most things if I try,” she said.

Sunrise Designs has some regular customers, and they think highly of her. Melinda Wherrel said, Kali makes all of our Prosper Noggin shirts and we think she is awesome!"

After she graduates, Kali would like to go to school to become a nurse anesthesiologist. Her mom is an ultrasound tech, and this was a big influence on Kali’s career choice. She enjoys helping and taking care of people. She has been having a lot of fun helping her mom with her new little sister, she said.

“I have seen many ups and downs through this journey of mine and can't wait to see where this road leads. Thank you so much for all of your support in helping my small business grow,” said Kali.

You can find Sunrise Designs on Facebook or on Instagram at sunrise._designs.

Sunrise Designs

