U.S. Sugar shows appreciation for Local Healthcare Heroes

Posted 5/20/24

In support of the unwavering dedication of healthcare professionals working to provide...

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U.S. Sugar shows appreciation for Local Healthcare Heroes


CLEWISTON — In support of the unwavering dedication of healthcare professionals working to provide critical community healthcare, the people of U.S. Sugar provided a complimentary catered lunch to doctors, nurses and staff of Hendry Regional Medical Center as part of National Hospital Week.

“We are grateful for the constant care and dedication exhibited by the healthcare professionals at Hendry Regional Medical Center,” remarked Brannan Thomas, Director of Community Relations at U.S. Sugar. “Growing food and helping feed people is our business, and this locally catered lunch is a small token of our immense appreciation for the contributions our healthcare heroes provide to our community.”

“Our entire staff is deeply touched by the generosity and thoughtfulness of U.S. Sugar,” said R.D. Williams, Chief Executive Officer at Hendry Regional Medical Center. “Their gesture not only nourishes our bodies but also nurses our spirits—reminding us that we are truly supported by our community. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the entire U.S. Sugar team for their kindness and support.”

Thomas explained the catered lunch was prepared locally by Julio’s Tropical Café to help fuel the efforts of those who help so many others. Feeding local healthcare providers is one of the many ways that the Company shows it continued commitment to supporting local organizations and fostering community spirit.

us sugar, healthcare, professionals, nurses, doctors, staff, national hospital week

