Hendry and Glades County residents can apply for wildlife expedition

Posted 6/18/24

This expedition aims to unite Corridor-connected communities and offers a unique...

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Hendry and Glades County residents can apply for wildlife expedition


Residents of Glades, Collier, Lee, and Hendry counties can apply  for a once-in-a-lifetime wildlife expedition. The Florida Wildlife Corridor Foundation are thrilled to announce the “Strand to Slough Expedition,” a Florida Wildlife Corridor adventure taking place this November.

This expedition aims to unite Corridor-connected communities and offers a unique chance for residents to immerse themselves in the breathtaking landscapes, wildlife, and waterways of southwest Florida. We are currently accepting applications until July 26 and encourage those available from Nov. 15 - 22 to apply for this all-expenses-paid adventure.

Not only will four lucky participants have an unforgettable experience, but the expedition will also be filmed by a professional production company, resulting in a captivating short documentary film. Similar to our six past award-winning expeditions / films, this film promises to inspire and educate viewers about the importance of Southwest Florida for our environment.

Dig into some of the details in the attached or you can follow this link for more info on the expedition and trekker application: https://floridawildlifecorridor.org/strand-to-slough-expedition/

wildlife, expedition, wildlife corridor

