123 results total, viewing 1 - 20
I thought of those words as I watched a store employee react less than professional. more
AMAC Certified Social Security Advisor Russell Gloor answers questions about Social Security. more
Christmas has come and gone, and over the next couple of weeks in our assigned readings... more
Sometimes, there’s more work after Christmas than the days before … more
Americans of all persuasions have reached a rough consensus in favor of cutting government spending. more
It’s the week before Christmas, and it’s the same every year ... stress over decorations, gifts, parties, and maybe even travel to visit relatives. So many things take our minds off the … more
Democrats have a golden opportunity to lower drug prices -- again -- before the next Congress begins on January 3. more
Looking at old family pictures, the similarities are amazing. But why should that surprise us? After all, we are made in the image of God! Do you ever think about that and what that means? … more
It’s three weeks until Christmas, and the decorations are in full array. Some are tasteful, and some…well… more
While the price of eggs was impacted by the loss of millions of laying hens due to bird flu, many factors also... more
Let’s talk about Baptism. Or you might have called it “Christening,” but that would be incorrect. more
There are other remedies that would mitigate the damage. The DHS secretary is allowed by law to require all aliens... more
It’s the week before Thanksgiving. Lots of plans go into this particular day, but it’s good to remember where... more
The primary focus of palliative care is on a patient’s quality of life... more
Congress recently made a number of changes to Medicare’s “Part D” prescription drug benefit. more
Everyone knows that exercise is healthy, and that playing sports is one of the best... more
In an era of political polarization and widespread civic illiteracy, an unlikely group is spearheading... more
Here are the hard truths of our threatening situation with social Security and Medicare. more
The federal government has become far too bloated, bureaucratic and over-reaching,... more
In our church, we’re beginning our yearly journey through Stewardship. more
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