Florida Department of Health observes National Stroke Awareness Month

Posted 5/13/24

Nationally, stroke is a leading cause of death. Recognizing a stroke quickly can be lifesaving...

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Florida Department of Health observes National Stroke Awareness Month


The Florida Department of Health recognizes National Stroke Awareness Month, an observance that highlights the importance of knowing the risk factors and symptoms of stroke.

Nationally, stroke is a leading cause of death. Recognizing a stroke quickly can be lifesaving, as fast treatment can lessen the brain damage that can occur. Quick treatment increases the chance for survival.

Spot a Stroke F.A.S.T. and call 9-1-1

Face – If one side of the face droops, it’s a sign of a possible stroke.

Arms – If the person cannot raise both arms out, it’s another possible stroke sign.

Speech – Slurring words and poor understanding of simple sentences can also serve as a stroke sign.

Time – If you see any of these signs, it’s time to call 9-1-1 immediately!

Stroke risk factors include:

• High blood pressure,
• Excessive alcohol use,
• Not being physically active,
• Diabetes,
• High cholesterol,
• Smoking,

• Heart disease.

Tips to lower risk include:

• Consuming a healthy diet,
• Maintaining a healthy weight,
• Being physically active and exercising regularly,
• Not smoking,
• Limiting alcohol consumption.

stroke, awareness, treatment, signs, symptoms

