Happiness is an inside job

Posted 6/4/17

Many times we feel that our happiness depends on external circumstances. So many times we can get caught up in the belief that when we have a certain job that pays us a certain amount of money, or a …

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Happiness is an inside job


Many times we feel that our happiness depends on external circumstances. So many times we can get caught up in the belief that when we have a certain job that pays us a certain amount of money, or a relationship with the partner of our dreams, or live in a house with more square footage, or drive a better car THEN we will be happy. But the opposite is actually true; Happiness is an inside job.

The way that the laws of the universe are set up is that we actually attract into our lives the vibrational match of what we are putting out by way of our thoughts, actions, and words. And so, when we believe in this way that attaining some outward level of success in our careers, relationships, and status dictates our level of happiness, without doing the inward personal development, we are still stuck in a vibration of expecting something else to make us happy. When we are stuck in that vibration it doesn’t matter how much money we are making ,who we are married to, or what kind of car we drive; we still won’t be as happy as we expected to have been because we haven’t done the soul work that is necessary to bring the happiness that we are longing for into our life experience.

The work is to go within and cultivate an attitude of grace and gratitude. When we emanate true happiness with where we presently are; all of the jobs, relationships, and stuff that we want can be attracted into our life experience by default. It is really a matter of doing the inside work on getting aligned with all of the blessings that are being stored up for us, and then getting out of our own way and moving with the intelligent flow of the universe so that they can come to us in the appropriate time.

Try starting a gratitude journal and start focusing on all that is going right and watch more circumstances that bring you joy start to appear!


