The Weekly Clothesline: Follow me

Our “Propping up” from Sunday to Sunday

Posted 6/19/24

What does it mean to become a follower of Jesus? Some ask lots of questions like…

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The Weekly Clothesline: Follow me

Our “Propping up” from Sunday to Sunday


What does it mean to become a follower of Jesus? Some ask lots of questions like… Will my life be different? Will I have to make lots of changes in my life? What will it cost me? But for others — like Matthew — it happened in a split second.

Matthew, the tax collector, became a follower of Jesus in a split second. Jesus saw him sitting in the tax booth. They locked eyes, and Jesus said, “Follow me.” And that’s exactly what Matthew did. He got up and followed. I’ve often thought of the people watching this event unfold. Perhaps some of them thought about stealing the money that Matthew had left behind. Maybe a few considered following Matthew to see where he was going. But most of the onlookers just went about their business as usual.

So what about us? Some attend churches for years, follow all the rules, contribute on a weekly basis, and consider themselves “followers” of Jesus. But there’s another piece to this puzzle of faith that is yet to be discovered. It’s that moment when a person’s faith moves from their head to their heart. It’s that moment when one realizes faith is more than doing God’s work. It’s that moment when one realizes that God is within, touching our very heart and soul, helping us be the best person we can be.

Take the time to learn about and become closer to this Jesus you follow. He is calling you to be more than you think. Just leave everything behind…and follow.

jesus, matthew, follow me, faith

