Donor steps up to fund fireworks show

Posted 6/27/24

Okeechobee County will have a fireworks show this year after all.

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Donor steps up to fund fireworks show


OKEECHOBEE – Okeechobee County will have a fireworks show after all.

In response to a June 26 story on the Lake Okeechobee News website headlined, “No July 4 fireworks show this year in Okeechobee,” a community member has stepped up to donate the money for professional fireworks show.

Businesswoman Anita Nunez has arranged with Zambelli Fireworks to present a fireworks show on Saturday, July 6 at dark at the Okeechobee Agri-Civic Center, 4601 State Road 710.

Nunez donated $10,000 for fireworks. She hopes the Okeechobee County Board of Commissioners will waive the fees for the use of the Agri-Civic Center for the free community event. She said they cannot hold the show on July 4 because the fireworks company is already booked up for that popular date.

She said she just couldn’t let the children of Okeechobee go without a fireworks show.

“As a poor little girl born and raised in our town and not having the money to do things, we looked forward to the fireworks show,” said Nunez.

This is not the first time Nunez has funded community fireworks out of her own pocket. About 15 years ago, under similar circumstances, she paid (originally anonymously) for the community fireworks show. At that time, the county charged her $1,800 for the use of the facility. “That was ridiculous,” she added. She said they tried to offset the county fee by taking donations at the event, but only collected about $900.

She said they also hope the sheriff will donate the services of the deputies who will provide security.

Recent year’s shows cost about $20,000.  After Nunez announced the donation of $10,000, Corey Kirton of Florida Environmental Services donated another $5,000. Nunez said  Zambelli can add to the show if they receive more donations . 

If anyone would like to donate funds to make the show bigger, they can do so at Parrott Island Grill, 1001 S. Parrott Ave., Okeechobee.

Nunez said any donations collected at the Agri-Civic Center on July 6 will go toward the 2025 fireworks show.

On June 26, Michael Hazellief, who helped organize fireworks shows in the past told the Lake Okeechobee New there will be no organized fireworks display on July 4 this year.

Hazellief, who along with J.D. Mixon and the FOP (Fraternal Order of Police), headed up the event for more than a decade, said after Mixon moved away, he did not feel able to handle it on his own.

Okeechobee, fireworks

