Healthy Start to hold father and daughter dance on June 15

Posted 5/29/24

Healthy Start Coalition will hold the Dancing Hearts - A Date with Daddy - on Saturday, June 15...

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Healthy Start to hold father and daughter dance on June 15


OKEECHOBEE — Healthy Start Coalition will hold the Dancing Hearts - A Date with Daddy - on Saturday, June 15 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Okeechobee High School in the cafeteria, 2800 US 441. Admission includes dinner, dancing, games, keepsake photo and more. Semi-formal attire recommended. Father figures and daughters of all ages are invited to join Healthy Start for a night filled with music and fun. For information, call 863-462-5877 or email

For tickets, visit

Healthy Start, father & daughter dance, dancing hearts, a date with dad, father figures

