Legion hosts benefit for Joe Ostavitz

Posted 6/24/24

Joe has been out of work since August of 2023 and he has no health insurance.

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Legion hosts benefit for Joe Ostavitz

Joe Ostavitz
Joe Ostavitz
Courtesy photo

OKEECHOBEE — American Legion Post 64, 501 SE Second St., will host Quarters for a Cause to benefit Joe Ostavitz on Tuesday, July 16.

Joe has been out of work since August of 2023 and he has no health insurance. Joe has extreme COPD and is physically unable to work, so he needs the help of his community.

The doors will open at 6 p.m. and the quarter auction will begin at 7 p.m. There will be a Chinese auction, 50/50, vendors, and food and drinks will be available. Wear something gold to be entered into the special raffle provided by Maybeline’s Creations.

Please bring a friend and show Joe how much Okeechobee cares!

To make a donation, contact Janice Pietro at 561-310-3285.

American Legion, Quarters for a Cause, benefit, auction

