Lozano, Matchett retire from Okeechobee schools

Posted 6/3/24

Amelia Lozano and Eddie Matchett were recognized by the Okeechobee County School Board during their May 26 meeting.

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Lozano, Matchett retire from Okeechobee schools


Dylan Tedders and Ameilia Lozano. (Photo by Richard Marion/Lake Okeechobee News)
Dylan Tedders and Ameilia Lozano. (Photo by Richard Marion/Lake Okeechobee News)

OKEECHOBEE- Amelia Lozano and Eddie Matchett were recognized by the Okeechobee County School Board during their May 26 meeting.

Both Lozano and Matchett are retiring this year. Matchett had 38 years with the Okeechobee County School District, while Lozano has 34.

Lozano taught at South Elementary as a VE teacher.  Superintendent Dylan Tedders said that Lozano deals with a special population of students that needed a little bit more attention and love to face the challenges of the day. But he couldn’t think of a better person for that job than her.

“It has been a joy to have been here this many years,” said Lozano to board members. “My children are special. This was a really hard decision for me.”

Matchett taught at Okeechobee High School for his entire 38 year career at the Okeechobee County School District.

“He’s not here today, probably because he knew he’d have to take a picture,” said Superintendent Tedders of Matchett. “But he has been a mainstay at OHS for years. They sent him out in style at OHS, but I wish he was here to hear the appreciation we have for him.”

Matchett wasn’t at the board meeting, but thanked everyone in a post about his retirement on social media.

“I am so honored to have worked with a phenomenal faculty,” said Matchett. “I couldn’t have landed in a better place than Okeechobee High School. Thank you all for making my time with you so wonderful and rewarding.”

Okeechobee County School Board, retirements, Lozano, Matchett

