2024 Grad Party was a success

Posted 5/28/24

The Our Village Okeechobee and community sponsored Grad Party was held on Friday, May 24...

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2024 Grad Party was a success

Students show off prizes received at the 2024 Grad Party!
Students show off prizes received at the 2024 Grad Party!
Courtesy photo

OKEECHOBEE — The Our Village Okeechobee and community sponsored Grad Party was held on Friday, May 24 following the seniors mandatory practice. Organized by the Grad Party Committee, over $25,000 in prizes were provided to the 300 attendees.

The prizes included laptops, printers, electronics, household goods, and fun things. Each student attending received a prize with a value of at least $50, with them being able to choose from the selection available.

The sheriff and members of the Kiwanis and Rotary made sure they were fed before gift distribution.

Generous donors included Our Village, Okeechobee; Children’s Service Council; Okeechobee County School Board; Okeechobee High School; Gary Moorman; B & B Site Development; Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office, Rotary Club of Okeechobee; Raulerson Hospital; David Daniel Foundation; Eli’s Western Wear; Hoot Worley; Mary Beth Cooper, Mike & Jennifer Sumner; Okeechobee Veterinary Hospital; Steve Dobbs Enterprises; Tobacco Free Partnership of Okeechobee; Kiwanis Club of Okeechobee; United Methodist Women; Williamson Cattle Company; Domer’s; Family Eye Care of Okeechobee; Larson Dairy; Okeechobee Masons; Dr. Jim & Cindy Letcher; Dave & Kay McCool; Linda Syfrett; Lonnie & Gary Kirsch; SAKE, LTD.; Diane Hagan, Heather Dobbs, South State Bank; Los Cocos; Buxton Funeral Home; Fee, Yates, & Fee; Gay Carlton; India Riedel; JM Larson; Jo Norris; Okeechobee DAR Chapter; Okeechobee Retired Educators; Sandra Word; Stephanie & Jay Walpole; Susan Williams; Susanne Clemons; Theta Omicron; W & W Lumber; Letta Jordan; Karen Cooper, Gilberts Has It; Niagara Water and Brown Cow Sweetery.

A big thanks to all of the volunteers and members of the Grad Party Committee.

grad, party, graduation, Our Village, OHS, Okeechobee High School

