By Raye Deusinger
BUCKHEAD RIDGE — A great potluck dinner and informative meeting of the Buckhead Ridge Community Association was held Thursday, March 28, at the Buckhead Community Center with 77 present. Opening the meeting was the monthly police report, which revealed no thefts or burglaries. There were three traffic stops, three accidents, an animal complaint, a loose cow and some unapproved golf cart and ATV traffic concerns.
Commissioner Donna Storter Long reported on the proposed Glades County fire tax proposal, which would provide service throughout the county. There will be an upcoming presentation on this issue at 9 a.m. April 9 at the Glades County Courthouse. Citizens may bring written questions to be presented at that meeting.
Sarah Yates was guest speaker about cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR training. An OSHA certified instructor, Ms. Yates proposed a course on adult, infant and child CPR and on AED (defibrillator) familiarization. She will also discuss how to build a complete and effective first aid kit for your home. These courses will be given at the Community Center on Thursday, April 11, from 2 to 4 p.m. Many present signed up for the course. If you are interested in this class, please contact Sarah at 877-819-2357.
Elections Supervisor Aletris Farnam announced a Stop Smoking course will be held at the Hope Connections Building next to the Fire House on April 11. Free patches and gum will be available upon completion of the course. For questions, call 863-634-4106.
The final speaker was Steve Dobbs on the Glen Harvey development. The issue of the Access Road ownership and responsibility has not yet been settled. Some of the development plans have been changed, but Mr. Dobbs said he believes plans will move forward by the end of summer.
The 50/50 drawing, which is done at every meeting, raised $162, with the winner receiving $81.