Rotary Club holds Peace Pole dedication and butterfly release

Posted 6/4/24

The Rotary Club of Okeechobee held a Peace Pole Dedication and Butterfly Release on May 23.

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Rotary Club holds Peace Pole dedication and butterfly release


OKEECHOBEE — The Rotary Club of Okeechobee held a Peace Pole Dedication and Butterfly Release on May 23. The community was invited to share in this event to promote spreading peace and hope.

Rotary District #6930 Governor, Doug Heizer, along with Rotary President Jackie Claxton, led the Peace Pole Dedication which took place at the Sports Complex by the entrance of the soon to be Fitness Trail. The Pole reads: “May Peace Prevail On Earth" in English and other languages.

One of the many causes of Rotary is to promote peace and Rotarians believe when people work together to create peace in their communities it can have a global effect.

[Photos courtesy Rotary Club of Okeechobee]

rotary club, peace pole, dedication, butterfly release

