Big O Teen Anglers host May Mid-Year Classic Tournament

Posted 5/28/24

The Big O Teen Anglers held their May mid-year classic tournament on Saturday, May 18 and...

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Big O Teen Anglers host May Mid-Year Classic Tournament


OKEECHOBEE — The Big O Teen Anglers held their May mid-year classic tournament on Saturday, May 18 and Sunday, May 19, out of Scott Driver with 19 anglers participating. It was a great day of fishing. There were 29 bass caught on Saturday and 31 bass caught on Sunday, weighing a total of 99.16 lbs. with zero dead fish for both days.

The largest bass caught was in the 9-13 age group at 4.73 lbs. by Justin Tumoszwicz. In the 14-19 age group the largest bass caught was 3.62 lbs. by Mason Turner. Great job anglers!

This month’s standings were as follows:

9 to 13 Age Group
• First place - Justin Tumoszwicz with 15.03lbs. and Big Fish of 4.73lbs.;

• Second place - Raylen Ferrell with 12.19lbs.;
• Third place - Ryder Axt with 6.64lbs.

14 to 19 Age Group
• First place - Waylen McLean with 10.10lbs.;
• Second place - Carli McPeak with 10.09lbs.;

• Third place - Holden Hawkins with 8.64lbs.;
• Big Fish - Mason Turner with 3.62lbs.

Every month captains that volunteer their Saturday/Sunday morning to help the youth anglers. Big O Teen Anglers extend thanks and appreciation: David Straight, Paul Lynch, Adam Crum, Billy Ellerbee, Erine Johnson, Jim Newell, Norris Newhouse, Justin Tumoszwicz, Ben Purvis, Sr, and Thomas Scott. Special thanks go out to Okeechobee Fishing Headquarters, Garrards Bait & Tackle, Fast Break Bait & Tackle and many others for their continued support and sponsorship of this club.

If you know a youth angler between the ages of 9-19 that loves fishing or is interested in learning a new sport, please reach out to Danielle at 561-436-8491 or .

Big O Teen Anglers, fishing, bass, fish

