Locals bring home trophies from kickboxing tournament

Posted 5/28/24

D & G Kickboxing and Fitness competed in the IKF PKB Muay- Thai/ Kickboxing tournament ...

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Locals bring home trophies from kickboxing tournament


PALM BEACH GARDENS — D & G Kickboxing and Fitness competed in IKF PKB Muay- Thai/ Kickboxing tournament held in Palm Beach Gardens May 26. Coach Devin Jimenez (left) won all rounds unanimously winning a trophy for the men’s division. Coach Guadalupe Jimenez (middle) won all rounds unanimously winning a trophy in the women’s division. Reyna Reynoso (right) won all rounds unanimously in the women’s division. This was the Jimenezs’ first time competing together as a married couple as well as winning their divisions and bringing home trophies. [D & G Kickboxing and Fitness]

d&g kickboxing and fitness, tournament, trophies

