K-9 Liberty and Deputy O. Gonzalez receive certification in tracking and narcotic detections

Posted 6/18/24

On Wednesday, June 13, 2024, Deputy Gonzalez and his bloodhound partner Liberty participated....

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K-9 Liberty and Deputy O. Gonzalez receive certification in tracking and narcotic detections


CAPE CORAL — On Wednesday, June 13, 2024, Deputy Gonzalez and his bloodhound partner Liberty participated in a Florida Law Enforcement Canine Association (FLECA) Tracking and Narcotics Detection Certification Exam in Cape Coral. The team has worked hard over the last several months and put in hundreds of hours of training to prepare for this exam. Liberty performed very well, and successfully completed the exam.

A special thanks to the Cape Coral Police Department K-9 Unit and the Florida Law Enforcement Canine Association for facilitating the exam.

Deputy Gonzalez and bloodhound Liberty are currently one of the few bloodhound teams in Florida certified in both tracking and narcotics detection.

HCSO, blood hound team, liberty, deputy gonzalez, certification

