K9 Merlin and Handler Cpl. M. Afonso certified in patrol and tracking

Posted 6/18/24

Earlier this month, K-9 Merlin and Deputy Afonso completed their Patrol Certification...

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K9 Merlin and Handler Cpl. M. Afonso certified in patrol and tracking


WEST PALM BEACH — Earlier this month, K-9 Merlin and Deputy Afonso completed their Patrol Certification at Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Academy. This training took approximately six months to complete, and consisted of hours of training in tracking, article searches, building searches, area searches, obedience, and criminal apprehension.

K-9 Merlin and Cpl. M. Afonso represented the Hendry County Sheriff’s Office with pride and put in many hours of hard work to complete the academy and successfully pass the Florida Law Enforcement Canine Association Certification Exams in Tracking and Patrol.

Since graduating, the team has already been responsible for multiple felony narcotic arrests as well as a successful K-9 track with an apprehension of a suspect who was fleeing from a violent crime.

We’d like to take this time to congratulation Cpl. M. Afonso and K-9 Merlin and thanks to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit.

k-9 merlin, deputy afonso, patrol certification, tracking

